The Hamburg living artist concerns herself with traditional modes of perception in our society. Her work is about searching for a new kind of spatiality, i.e. a new perception of space, time and position.
Human figures, animals, symbols and additional text move about in her work in an undefined space, defying orientation. They evade common and accepted categorization and undermine social and art-historical terms, thus creating room for new ways of thinking.
For Marie Anne Jakob technique, mode of rendition and presentation always follow the subject at hand. Her primary modes of expression are painting and drawing, while often using those as elements of installations as well.
Drawings / Collages
Serie 1
Serie 2
Serie 3
Serie 4
Serie 5
Serie 6
Serie 7
Oil on canvas
Zyklus 5 Figuren
Zyklus 7 Figuren Symbole
Zyklus 8 Raum Zeit Ort
Zyklus 10 Space Time Continuum
The installations seem harmless, but guard against a mild criticism of civilization. In this staging the world seems to be in order, but it is "not like this, but different". Motion detectors are an expression of a planned procedure that is used for surveillance. Despite worlds of technology, perfect bureaucratic planning and state controls, family relationships turn out to be the Individuals and nature more and more off track. The painter has found graphic criteria for the constant change in life constants: In addition to the relief symbols, the same are painted as contours - carvings from prehistoric times. In the rock paintings, our ancestors immortalized the beings and the most important for their existence Actions.
Gmünd Österreich
Kunsthalle Hamburg
Kunsthaus Hamburg
Westwerk Hamburg
The appearance of nature changes constantly: Animals, plants and microbes are wheels within wheels, the gears of a vast, complicated but nonetheless beautiful ecological engine of planetary size. Variety and variability of living organisms signify the stability and healthiness of any eco-system. If the reciprocity and flow of change within in this system is being disturbed, even destroyed, only very few animal- and plant life forms may survive and keep evolving.
Mounted eye level on the wall are four hanging cabinets, each carrying 6 tableaus showing different species of plants (55x40 cm, oil on canvas), arranged according to the colour of their blossoms: blue, red, white and yellow. The cabinets are divided into 6 compartments, each 6 centimetres in width. Every compartment contains one tableau which the beholder may slide out in order to look at them.
Weiße Pflanzen
Blaue Pflanzen
Rote Pflanzen
Gelbe Pflanzen
We rent artwork to large and small clients to improve spaces in offices, businesses and homes. Art sets a positive statement and improves the atmosphere in any professional space. It reflects your values and philosophy and impresses your clients. It boosts your image, and motivates your staff.
Art rental is a fast growing trend, not least because of its economical advantages: it provides the flexibility to display and change art without significant up-front costs, and monthly payments are affordable and tax-efficient. Most importantly, it makes dull and empty walls a thing of the past!
Büro Hamburg
Büro Berlin
Büro München
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© 2021 by Marie Anne Jakob / All rights reserved
According to § 5 TMG Responsible: Marie Anne Jakob
Kreuzgasse 15 A A-6800 Feldkirch
Phone: +49 179 39 111 04
Frank Jakob
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